Judging the needlework and textile art at the Eisteddfod Festival was a truly wonderful experience. I had no idea when I arrived on the island of Jersey that the residents were so productive, talented and creative. When faced with the plethora of designs, styles and techniques on the first day, I wondered how I’d ever be able to do justice to the incredible work before me. Being the adjudicator for this festival was a daunting challenge, but one that I thoroughly enjoyed. I attempted to understand the thinking behind each creative work and in so doing, feel I now have a better understanding of life on this unique island. I almost feel that I know the makers intimately because I had the privilege of handling and studying the work into which they had put so much time and effort. I fully understood and appreciated each piece because in fact, I have either studied or done all of those techniques myself. It was a special privilege to see the work of the schoolchildren who have no preconceived ideas and are thus free to experiment and dive right into their projects. Their teachers are to be commended for enabling them to try different techniques and stretch their artistic wings. The clothing sections were especially dear to my heart, as I sewed and designed my own clothes at their age. ![]() It was so hard to pick a winning entry because I wanted to give each and every one of them a prize. They show so much promise. This imaginative woven dress got the Premier Award. There were a wide variety of quilts as well as knitted and crocheted blankets in bold bright colours. I felt the embroidery categories were especially strong with many outstanding pieces in so many different styles. You could almost smell the lavender when looking at this embroidered scene by Blandina Gonzales. such a quiet contemplative scene I loved this foxy embroidery by Di Wherry. I enjoyed studying the stitches in this elephant by Alexandra Vautier. Sue Bone's cushion was very appealing. Clare Burchell's parrot had loads of lovely details. and of course I loved this felted Fly Agaric mushroom. Everyone should be proud of their work because it was all so stunning and inspiring in addition to being nicely stitched. I was treated very well by the ladies in charge of the show, and I’d like to thank them all for making me feel so welcome. It was a pleasure to work with them and a privilege to judge this festival. I hope that everyone on Jersey enjoys attending the Eisteddfod Festival as much as I enjoyed judging it.
March 2023